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Oscorp's testing and manufacturing facilities.

Oscorp Technologies is a major research and manufacturing firm founded by Norman Osborn with its headquarters in New York City.



After Norman Osborn graduated from Massachusetts Institute of Technology on June, 1974 he founded Oscorp. During that time, he had to ask for mortgage from his closest friends so he could not get bankrupt. This saved him a great deal of money but during the mid 70s, the scientists at Oscorp were questioning Norman's Leadership. During 1983, Norman was spending two days on his phone personally persuading the Board of Directors to cast their votes on him so he could not get bankrupt.

Despite this, one of the leaders, General Slocum of the US Army, openly dislikes Norman because of the predecessors that also openly disliked the business and because of that he wanted to put him out of business.

In 2002, He uses Dr. Stromm's news of side effects to the formula as an excuse to try and give contracting to Quest Aerospace, Oscorp's main competition. After Norman tested the serum on himself, he killed Stromm and stole the exoskeleton suit and jet glider and flew to Quests trials. He destroyed their prototype suit, also killing both Slocum and the researchers.

Oscorp was given the government contracts and the company's stocks skyrocketed. At this time the company's Board of Directors chose accept a buyout offer from Quest. As a result Norman (as his Green Goblin personae) killed the directors before the decision was announced publicly. After his father's death Harry Osborn became head of Oscorp's research projects. In 2004, He invested large amounts of money towards research into fusion based power generation. Head of this project was the famed Dr. Otto Octavius who had researched the field for years and turned to Oscorp as a source of funding. Otto stages a public showing of his work, but the experiment started to overload and becomes unstable, causing several fatalities and tremendous damage. Octavius' failed experiment left Oscorp near bankruptcy causing Harry much anger.

It unknown what became of the company, especially following Harry's death.

New Timeline[]

After Norman Osborn got dragged to another universe before he died and got cured, he got sent back to his universe alive. This changed the timeline as Osborn dosen't die and he's able to come back to his normal life, thus continuing to lead Oscorp Technologies. This also means Harry never died or took control of the company.

Known Employees[]

Raimi Film Series
Films: Spider-Man | Spider-Man 2 | Spider-Man 3
Characters: Peter Parker/Spider-Man | Mary Jane Watson | Harry Osborn | J. Jonah Jameson | Uncle Ben | Aunt May | George Stacy | Gwen Stacy | Robbie Robertson | Betty Brant | Curt Connors | Flash Thompson | Dr. Stromm | Mr. Ditkovich | Ursula Ditkovich | Maximillian Fargas | Henry Balkan | Rosalie Octavius | Hoffman | Bernard Houseman | Mr. Aziz | Bonesaw McGraw
Enemies: The Green Goblin | Doctor Octopus | The Sandman | New Goblin | Venom | The Carjacker
Locations: The Daily Bugle | Oscorp Technologies | Quest Aerospace | Osborn Penthouse | Goblin Lair
Video Games: Spider-Man | Spider-Man 2 | Spider-Man 3